Miller Heights Neighborhoods Association
The Miller Heights Neighborhoods Association (MHNA) is a civic organization, not a homeowner’s association, created about twenty years ago by neighbors who successfully organized to prevent the re-districting of our community to different schools.

Message from the MHNA President
MHNA is dedicated to serving our community by providing a valuable service. Our 252 members (a historic high) enjoy all the perks of our organization. We are always looking for community-based volunteers. Please peruse the web-site to learn more about MHNA.
Welcome to Miller Heights Neighborhoods Association
If you’re new to Miller Heights, we look forward to meeting you at MHNA activities. Please e-mail our Hospitality Committee chairperson, Anne Harmon (, if you have not heard from us. We have lots of information to get you acquainted with your surroundings, including the new MHNA Neighborhood Directory.